A Brief Overview Of Dandruff vs Dry Scalp Comparison

Many people are having the confusion that is dandruff and dry scalp problem the same or different? Then, let us inform you that both are different problems. Today, we have come up with this article to make you know about dandruff vs dry scalp scenario.

Dry scalp

When the scalp does not have enough oil for the skin to feel lubricated, there are chances of the occurrence of dry scalp. The dry scalp can cause itching, flaking, and irritation just like the other forms of dry skin. The hair will also look dry due to this.

People who are having dry skin are more prone to dry scalp. Many of the things that cause dry skin can cause a dry scalp including:

dry air, at the time of winter months
• excessive washing
• skin conditions, such as eczema


The dead cells are shed by the scalp just like the rest of the skin. When this process of dead cells shedding speeds up then it results in dandruff. White dandruff that you see is actually dead skin cells.

The faster the speed with which the scalp sheds dead skin, the worse dandruff becomes. There are some factors that can alter the rate at which the skin sheds.

The researchers are not able to fully understand what causes dandruff. Some of the potential causes of dandruff include:

• fungal infections of the scalp
• oils secreted by the scalp
• sensitivity to substances, such as hair products

People who have the dry scalp will notice flakes shedding from their scalp. The flakes of the dry scalp are smaller and whiter as compared to dandruff.

The flakes of Dandruff are larger and may be yellow-tinged or look oily. Both dandruff and dry scalp tend to come and go. Though dandruff that is due to a fungal infection won’t go without treatment. You can reduce the frequency of shampooing for reducing the dry scalp.

Both dry scalp and dandruff can make the scalp itchy and irritated. People with either condition may scratch their scalp so frequently that it turns red when the condition is severe.

So, here was a brief overview of dandruff vs dry scalp. Hope you got the clear idea between both. You can visit healthclubfinder for more healthy lifestyle tips and fitness tips. 


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