Know About The Common Causes Of Unexplained Weight Gain In Men

Obesity has become major trouble in present days and besides medical trouble, it is also physical trouble for sure and people are trying their best to get rid of the situation. While weight gain in women is known but sometimes men gain weight that is often unexplained.
Now, this doesn’t mean that they are gaining weight without doing anything wrong but the fact is that most people are unaware of such things that are causing the weight gain. You might be in diet for a long time but still can gain weight due to other reasons and that is the main reason why it is very important to calculate all the factors while trying to lose some bodyweight.

If you are wondering about some of the unexplained weight gain in men then here Healthclubfinder has some of them listed below that you need to check out:

Irregular Exercise:


If you have started working out daily then your body would get habituated with the workout rituals of your body but if you would just leave workout all of a sudden then you gain a lot of weight drastically. Here this weight gain would happen even if you would consider having a proper diet and this happens because our body doesn’t get enough movement and so it fails to burn fat and moreover it starts storing fat at the same time.

Having Too Much Carb:

Carb is one of the biggest reasons that most men and women gain weight and often people are unaware of this fact. When it comes to dieting people add a lot of staple carb-loaded food in their diet. However, modern food diet tries to keep the carb content as low as possible. Carbs contribute a lot in the production of fat in the body and that is the reason the keto diet is very effective in weight loss as that diet has minimum carb intake.

Having no Fat at all:

People make this mistake a lot and here people assume that having fat makes a person fat so they try to avoid fat completely in their meals. Now, if your body would not get fat then it would start sustaining or saving the remaining fat of your body which makes the weight loss process very tough and at the same time, your body would also consume fat from all the food that you would consume.
It is really important to maintain the fat consumption of your body and you should always consume healthy fat in your diet.

Having Alcohol:

Most people have alcohol and that helps our body gains a lot of weight and that is the reason that thin people are often asked to consume beer once in a while so that they can gain some body fat. Having too much of alcohol is very bad for the body and this would also make you fat without you realizing about it. It would be better if you would leave alcohol and even if you consume then you should control the portions of alcohol consumption.



This is a health complication that makes both men and women sufferer and this is a gland that develops in the body and this gland releases many hormones and that imbalance of hormones causes weight gain. If you are a sufferer of thyroid then you would have other issues as well such as hair fall, decreased metabolism and many more and to deal with it, you would have to take medical advice and at the same time, you would have improved your diet as well.

Medicinal Effect:

Medicine effects are also real and some medicines can make you fat and if you feel so then you should consult with your doctor and as for a replacement if possible or you would have to do a double workout in this case otherwise your weight gain would not stop.

These were some of the most common causes of unexplained weight gain in men that you need to know and to know more about such things you can browse through Healthclubfinder.


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